Slow People and Success at Work

Slow People and Success: We meet nearly 100 people every week irrespective of our profession/occupation. Don’t we? You see that a few people are deliberately slow in their work zone. After a lot of counselling and motivation, their energy level raises but again they move back to the same zone.

Result: the boss/manager getting frustrated as to why s/he is not matching the expectations and is up to the mark.

READ: Detect Cancer by Handwriting Science

But before delving into the main cause for the slow people movement, I would like to give some insight into people working slow. Psychology says that such a personality is not lethargic or lazy but rather their central nervous system has been slowed down due to the response time taken by the neurons (brain cells) to the stimuli.

There could be many reasons for the slow-people work structure such as:

  1. Lack of Motivation: Many people do not love their job or there are not enough motivations or good managers who can motivate to perform the assigned task in the stipulated time.
  2. Lack of Goal in Life:  It is observed by many researchers that lack of goal in life also leads to boredom and monotonous lifestyle which also slows the work.
  3. Attention time: When you have less attention-span at that point of time, you tend to slow the process of your work, hence it is always recommended to have complete focus in your work.
  4. Inbuilt Nature: Few people’s inner structures are designed in such a way who love to work at a slow pace only. You can’t force them to increase their speed as such people need to give their time and space to improve as per their mood and environment.

Graphology and Slow People

Well, Handwriting Science, better known as ‘Graphology’ has an explanation for slow people. Handwriting Science is a wonderful science which helps in sorting out why a person lacks certain skills and what are the traits behind those behaviours. In Graphology, there are 26 letters, among them we in graphology, give importance to all letters in diagnosis and prognosis of any mental situation, but whenever one has to look upon the personal behaviour, we look especially on letters – a, t and d  as these letters represent your inner thoughts and wisdom.

Letter T: Letter ‘t’ stands for Ego, Endurance, Self Worth, Self Esteem and your Goal /Aim in Life.

Letter D: Letter ‘d’ stands for self, family, presentation skills, grooming skills.

Hence, we will look upon 2 letter formations to look upon the above-mentioned traits as to “Why few people are slow at work”?

4 Facts: Why Slow People are underrated at Work

A person writing letter “d” with a high big loop and the ending stroke moving in the right side with a hump in structure in letter dworks smoothly and deliberately slow at work. Now, due to the loop length being longer and moving in the right slant – this person is extremely emotional and wants to express his/ her feelings to others, hence s/he would try to express her/his emotional aspects either through talk or actions.

Curvature in the right shows the consumption of information and love to keep the secretive talk of the people with him/her. These slow people are jolly and friendly and like to socialize.  

Now, let’s look at another letter having the same traits of working slowly, in letter “t”

4 Facts: Why Slow People are underrated at Work

 A slow people has a hump in structure in the letter t works smoothly and deliberately slow at work. Since letter t stands for ego, endurance and self-esteem, this person would love to maintain his/her self-esteem and love to work with people, give them equal respect and take time to complete the task.

In the above 2 traits, in letter d and t – hump represent its sensitivity and hence we need to change the letter formation to neutralise the effect of those formations. A Practising Graphologist knows which are the other letters which help the person to improve his/her negative traits which help in increasing the productivity at work.

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Nirav Hiingu